Services to Authors

All-inclusive Publishing

If you have a manuscript, we have the expertise to transform it into a standout book! From manuscript evaluation to full book production, we provide every service you need to bring your vision to life and ensure your work projects your distinct voice to the world.

Our all-inclusive service includes:

Manuscript evaluation
Copy editing
Cover design
Book layout
Electronic book formatting
ISBN allocation
Paperback book formatting
Hardback book formatting
Short-run and bulk printing

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Services to Authors

Ghostwriting Services

If you have a story, we have the expertise to help you bring it to life! Whether you have already written a draft or are starting from scratch, we know how to capture the full essence of your narrative and present it in your unique voice, ensuring it resonates with your readers.

Our ghostwriting service includes:

Interview sessions of primary and secondary subjects
Creative writing
Structural editing

Additional Services

Book launch support
Book promotion packages
Audiobook production
Book Translation

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Service to Publishers

Sophos Books is fully equipped to deliver outstanding publishing services to other publishing companies. Whether you need our comprehensive, all-inclusive publishing package or customised, bespoke solutions, we will seamlessly adapt our expertise to match your publishing house’s unique style and specifications, ensuring excellence at every step.

Service Cost

Why pay more to publish your book when you can publish with Sophos at unbelievably affordable costs? We offer you more than you pay for, and we do not charge for what we cannot deliver.


To get a tailored estimate of your project

  1. Book a free publishing consultation OR 
  2. Send your manuscript/enquiry to us by email for a free initial assessment.
  3. We will review your requirements and send you a publishing proposal.
  4. Apply our generous client discount (make sure you ask for a discount!).
  5. Pay a deposit on receipt of your invoice.
  6. Terms and conditions apply.

Our Packages start from

All-inclusive Publishing Package

  • Copy Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Cover Design
  • Layout
  • ISBN Allocation
  • Paperback & Electronic Book File Formatting
  • Upload on your own Amazon Account
  • First Class Technical Support
£ 1600

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Our passion has always been to empower and elevate authors from Africa. In line with this vision, we are developing a specialised publishing package designed to help African authors showcase their best works to a global audience. Stay connected and register your interest to receive updates on the progress of this exciting initiative—we cannot wait to partner with you on this journey!


Maria Morgan

Embrace Your Why

It was my very first experience writing a book. Sophos Books encouraged and supported me throughout the process and provided me guidance. My voice felt safe with the team, and they brought the best out of me and my book.

Dr Paul Toun

The Overflowing Life

Sophos Books took the first draft of my autobiography, and after a series of interviews, they filled a lot of gaps and delivered a reworked draft, I was greatly impressed! I enjoyed reading my own story! I would recommend Sophos Books to anyone who has a story to tell.