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Embrace Your Why

Embrace Your Why

Picture this book as an interaction between your dreams and your Why. It is a conversation that invites you to be active in writing and shaping the trajectory of your journey. It can be likened to words on the marble, urging you to remember why you had those dreams, aspirations, and goals in the first place. It encourages you to leave the backstage and become the lead actor in your own story. It ensures that you are never described as the person who gave up their values because they failed to revisit their Why.
The Shift of a Lifetime

The Shift of a Lifetime

This book focuses on the generation of Nigerians born between 1960 and 1970, who share unique experiences, aspirations and challenges. Following a mass exodus from their country, which began in the 1980s, Nigerians are now in virtually every country of the world, exploring ways to survive and thrive. With many at mid-life, it is time to take stock and prepare for the days ahead. The challenges and opportunities before them call for careful thought and wise choices. Perhaps it is time to shift from the endless pursuit of material success to the more enduring life of significance. This, surely, is a shift of a lifetime!